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POWER SEED CYBER-COMMUNITY (PSCOMM)and dstnctDsgns.comdba LARAY BYRDposes to open as a newInternet Caféin Birmingham, Alabama.This commercial facility serves asa PSCOMMoff-line locationfor members thatconduct cloud-based business operations.It isaCommunity Network environment that features New Age Technology and Professional Development Tools and Services.TheInternetCafébegins building itsland-based operations through aYouthBeta Testing Program, which provides Planning & Development courses inCreative Arts foradvertising and marketing customimpressions on the world-wideweb.
Youth participantsgain access toProfessional Development Suites thatthe Internet Caféoffers to itsmembers throughcloud-based technologypowered, MicrosoftOffice 365, and Microsoft Dynamics 365.Scheduled seminars will teach members/youthhow to:•BuildBusiness Apps (The backboneof the Internet Cafémobile Enterprise operations)•Create professional custom business impressions on-line•Use Advertising & Marketing Strategies•Promote uniqueinstancesto the global audience of the world-wide web•Develop individual networks through social collaborationParticipants willdevelop technical expertise and build custom designs that promotes individual products and services through Advertising& Marketing solutions on PSCOMM cloud-based servers, which will lead the way to business advancement in eachfield of interest.The youth participantspioneer the way to the PSCOMM InternetCaféGrand Launch and Opening, which accommodates for multiple businesses thatfunction independently in one location, as they join forces with themission to build Community Involvement through Network Advertising & Marketing Solutions.Members, guests, and walk-in trafficenjoy FREE PSCOMM Advertisingand FREEWi-Fi in a sleek andmodern socialenvironment that promote relationship building concepts brought to them by the PSCOMM Youth OpportunityProgram.PSCOMM seeks organizations andindividualsinterested in the POWER SEED COMMUNITY (PSCOMM)Internet CaféYouth Beta Testing Program, whichinvolvesTeam Building Strategies, Social Networking,Branding, and Planning & Development implementation throughcloud-basedservices hosted within the POWER SEED COMMUNITYon-line hosting server.Youth Beta Testing Programs design and develop PSCOMM CRM (Customer RelationsManagement)and Business Apps that handles Mobile Enterprise Operations for participating members.
The PSCOMM Internet Caférequires an annual membership fee of $25, which will give programaccess to back-office products and cloud services.CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO ON PSCOMM Internet Café1-PSCOMM OFFERS GLOBAL NETWORKING SOLUTIONSFOR MEMBERS ON-LINE AND AT THE LOCALINTERNET CAFE' HUB.Partner's Link
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